04 ottobre 2012

Cat Power - Werewolf

questa canzone mette insieme due cose che mi piacciono: Cat Power (un po' meno il prezzo del suono nuovo ciddì, ma vabbè) e i lupi mannari. E fare una canzone sui lupi mannari non è da tutti: oggigiorno (oddio, la canzone è del 2003) vanno di moda di più i vampiri.... sigh.
Per fortuna la donna gatto ci ha pensato a tenere alto l'onore degli irsuti antropomorfi!!! Il che è strano, perché felinidi e canidi non vanno molto d'accordo. Oh, chi se ne fotte!
Potere alla gatta, allora!!!

Oh the werewolf, oh the werewolf
Comes stepping along
He dont even break the branches where hes gone
Once I saw him in the moonlight, when the bats were a flying
I saw the werewolf, and the werewolf was crying
Cryin nobody knows, nobody knows, body knows
How I loved the man, as I teared off his clothes.
Cryin nobody know, nobody knows my pain
When I see that its risen; that full moon again
For the werewolf, for the werewolf has sympathy
For the werewolf, somebody like you and me.
And only he goes to me, man this little flute I play.
All through the night, until the light of day, and we are doomed to play.
For the werewolf, for the werewolf, has sympathy
For the werewolf, somebody like you and me.

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