26 giugno 2021
25 giugno 2021
Hot Hot Heat: BANDAGES
Bandages on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Up and down on my legs my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
These bandages cover more than scrapes, cuts and bruises from regrets and mistakes
I've been hoping your moping around the street again
I've been tripping from sipping the dripping dirty water tap
I've been poking a voodoo doll that you do not know I made
These bandages are anonymity
I've been shaking from making an awful decision
I've been running and running
Feels like my head is spinning round and round, around, around, around, around, around
I've been hoping your moping around the street again
I've been tripping from sipping the dripping dirty water tap
I've been poking a voodoo doll that you do not know I made
These bandages are anonymity
I've been shaking from making an awful decision
I've been running and running
Feels like my head is spinning round and round, around, around, around, around, around
Bandages on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Up and down on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Up and down on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
I've been hoping your moping around the street again
I've been tripping from sipping the dripping dirty water tap
I've been poking a voodoo doll that you do not know I made
For you, of you, let's see what needles do
I've been shaking from making an awful decision
I've been thinking I'm drinking too many drinks all by myself
I've been running and running
Feels like my head is spinning round and round, around, around, around, around, around
I've been tripping from sipping the dripping dirty water tap
I've been poking a voodoo doll that you do not know I made
For you, of you, let's see what needles do
I've been shaking from making an awful decision
I've been thinking I'm drinking too many drinks all by myself
I've been running and running
Feels like my head is spinning round and round, around, around, around, around, around
Bandages on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Up and down on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Up and down on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Don't worry now, don't worry now, don't worry cause it's all under control
Don't worry now, don't worry now, don't worry cause it's all under control
Don't worry now, don't worry now, don't worry cause it's all under control
Don't worry now, don't worry now, don't worry cause it's all under control
Don't worry now, don't worry now, don't worry cause it will all turn around,
Around, around, around, around, around, around, around
Don't worry now, don't worry now, don't worry cause it's all under control
Don't worry now, don't worry now, don't worry cause it's all under control
Don't worry now, don't worry now, don't worry cause it's all under control
Don't worry now, don't worry now, don't worry cause it will all turn around,
Around, around, around, around, around, around, around
Bandages on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Up and down on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Up and down on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Up and down on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Up and down on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Bandages, bandages, bandages
24 giugno 2021
Fratelli D'Italia: EURO 2020 (+1)
Pensavate che mi sarei dimenticato della manifestazione calcistica che si doveva svolgere l'anno scorso e invece si sta svolgendo adesso?
Ah Ah! NO!
Ebbene, il mio punto di vista terminati i gironi eliminatori:
la nostra Nazionale arriva da un triennio in cui il gruppo creato da Mancini mostra una forte amalgama e un bel gioco. C'é entusiasmo, i ragazzi sono giovani e si battono per la causa.
La mia unica perplessità era che nei gironi di qualificazione le squadre affrontate non è che fossero proprio fortissime... infatti il CT ammette molto modestamente e tra le righe che aver eguagliato il record di imbattibilità di Pozzo non significa nulla...
In queste tre partite gli avversari sono stati di un livello appena appena superiore ai precedenti.
Gli unici che probabilmente potevano impensierirci (il Galles) giocavano comunque frenati da un risultato che li qualificava, quindi, in sostanza, si sono accontentati.
Agli ottavi incontreremo l'Austria, altro avversario "un po' difficile" ma comunque non trascendentale.
Se ci arriviamo, nei quarti, becchiamo una tra Beglio e Portogallo (già incontrata in una nation league o come si chiama... ma senza Ronaldo) al massimo del loro splendore. E allora sapremo davvero cosa possiamo aspettarci da questi giovani.
Però se un match del genere (o anche più di uno) lo avessimo già giocato sapremmo già cosa aspettarci.
Ad ogni modo: FORZA AZZURRI!!!!
19 giugno 2021
CHALTRONS: lo scudetto della seconda stella
Ebbene sì, amici, leggete bene: anche in questa stagione il Chaltrons porta a casa lo scudetto e, facendo cifra tonda, si aggiudica la seconda stella.
Da lì parte una crisi con ben tre sconfitte consecutive:
in casa con fantaibra per 2-3 (inutile la doppietta di Piro che ribaltava lo svantaggio iniziale, perché ci facciamo controsorpassare)
in trasferta con Juventus PWT FC (contro cui vincemmo il campionato due stagioni fa) per 1-2 (il subentrante Bleich non è sufficiente ad evitare la sconfitta)
di nuovo in casa, un CLAMOROSO 0-6 con vulturi iertof (avversario noto, contro cui non abbiamo mai avuto particolari problemi.
Poi, una gioia: il capitano Piro ci fa vincere in casa della capolista SV Team Ohringen, che sembrava uno schiacciasassi, lassù in alto, finora imbattuta.
Purtroppo, la giornata dopo, di nuovo un KO: il nostro avversario dell'anno scorso, irawan, ci batte in casa 1-4 (il solo rigore di Piro non basta a evitare la disfatta), e Ohringen torna a +9.
A questo punto l'allenatore (io, insomma) mette mano alla formazione: 4-3-1-2 con il giovane Toppan che esordisce in mezzo alla difesa, centrocampo a 3 Presotto-McGrath-Russo (pure lui esordiente) e tridente modificabile Gomez-U. Esposito-Piro.
Da lì parte un filotto di vittore che, a parte lo 0-0 con Benjamin FC, ci porta alla gara di ritorno contro la capolista SV Team Ohringen alla distanza di -2, dati gli inciampi in cui è incappata nel frattempo.
Lo scontro diretto si sblocca al 72' con gol del solito Piro pareggiato da Sosa all'81'. Ma il nostro terzino sudcoreano Hye-Sung Jung non ci sta e realizza il suo primo gol in due stagioni all'82' che ci fa sorpassare l'avverario e riprendere quel posto da primi in classifica che sembra essere il nostro preferito.
Da lì bisogna solo vincere e vedere cosa fa l'avversario.
Alla penultima giornata, mentre noi strapazziamo 10-0 (2 Russo, 2 U. Esposito, 2 Gomez, 1 Cucurnia e 3 Piro) l'ultima in classifica Crystal 23 FC, Ohringer perde 2-1 con AC Sano (ricordate? quella che ci ha eliminato dalla Coppa) e siamo così matematicamente campioni per la ventesima volta.
Alla 26esima giornata scendiamo in campo tranquilli sul campo del Benjamin FC e Bleich, Gomez e Piro possono fare la passerella prima dei giusti festeggiamenti.
TOP ELEVEN è un gioco semplice: 22 pallini colorati corrono su un campo verde, e alla fine,
e la seconda stella pure.
Ecco i protagonisti di questa clamorosa cavalcata:
18 giugno 2021
I woke up alarmed
I didn't know where I was at first
Just that I woke up in your arms
And almost immediately I felt sorry
'Cause I didn't think this would happen again
No matter what I could do or say
Just that I didn't think this would happen again
With or without my best intentions
And whatever happened to a boyfriend
The kind of guy who tries to win you over?
And whatever happened to a boyfriend
The kind of guy who makes love 'cause he's in it?
I didn't know where I was at first
Just that I woke up in your arms
And almost immediately I felt sorry
'Cause I didn't think this would happen again
No matter what I could do or say
Just that I didn't think this would happen again
With or without my best intentions
And whatever happened to a boyfriend
The kind of guy who tries to win you over?
And whatever happened to a boyfriend
The kind of guy who makes love 'cause he's in it?
And I want a boyfriend
I want a boyfriend
I want all that stupid old shit like letters and sodas
Letters and sodas
I want a boyfriend
I want all that stupid old shit like letters and sodas
Letters and sodas
You got up out of bed
You said you had a lot of work to do
But I heard the rest in your head
And almost immediately I felt sorry
'Cause I didn't think this would happen again
No matter what I could do or say
Just that I didn't think this would happen again
With or without my best intentions
You said you had a lot of work to do
But I heard the rest in your head
And almost immediately I felt sorry
'Cause I didn't think this would happen again
No matter what I could do or say
Just that I didn't think this would happen again
With or without my best intentions
And I want a boyfriend
I want a boyfriend
I want all that stupid old shit like letters and sodas
Letters and sodas
I want a boyfriend
I want all that stupid old shit like letters and sodas
Letters and sodas
I can feel it in my bones
I'm gonna spend another year alone
It's fuck and run, fuck and run
Even when I was seventeen
Fuck and run, fuck and run
Even when I was twelve
I'm gonna spend another year alone
It's fuck and run, fuck and run
Even when I was seventeen
Fuck and run, fuck and run
Even when I was twelve
You almost felt bad
You said that I should call you up
But I knew much better than that
And almost immediately I felt sorry
'Cause I didn't think this would happen again
No matter what I could do or say
Just that I didn't think this would happen again
Without or without my best intentions
You said that I should call you up
But I knew much better than that
And almost immediately I felt sorry
'Cause I didn't think this would happen again
No matter what I could do or say
Just that I didn't think this would happen again
Without or without my best intentions
I can feel it in my bones
I'm gonna spend my whole life alone
It's fuck and run, fuck and run
Even when I was seventeen
Fuck and run, fuck and run
Even when I was twelve
I'm gonna spend my whole life alone
It's fuck and run, fuck and run
Even when I was seventeen
Fuck and run, fuck and run
Even when I was twelve
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Dai, le mummie sembrano quelle del celebre gioco in scatola...
Grande attore, mito dell'infanzia di molti, ma anche grande nuotatore. RIP
Yo yo yo Pippo Inzaghi segna per noi! PS: Macellazzi????? si è redento dalla malefatta dell'altr'anno. BraFo!!!