30 ottobre 2006

al via il calendario del GAHR

Anche quest'anno il GAHR si è messo in testa di fare il suo calendario. E con la ricorrenza del decimo anniversario della fondazione della ONLUS, la scelta del tema è caduta sugli spettacoli (di Natale o di fine attività) tenuti nel corso dei 10 anni di attività. Sicchè preparatevi a gioire nella visione di fantastiche (re)interpretazioni di classici quali Grease, La Famiglia Adams o... Peter Pan. Non a caso qui di fianco ci sono io che, un pò cameriere un pò Jack Sparrow, sto apportando gli ultimi ritocchi (mi sto scaccolando, insomma...) ad un costume che un cosplayer gli fa una pippa.................. Alla prossima per nuove impressionanti impersonificazioni!!!!

UPADATE: ecco un'altra fotografia!

09 ottobre 2006

Pil - Rise

l'ho sentita alla radio ma non riesco a trovarla da nessuna parte!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!
I could be wrong
I could be right
I could be wrong
I could be wrong
I could be right
I could be black
I could be white
I could be right
I could be wrong
I could be white
I could be black
Your time has come
Your second skin
The cost so high
The gain so low
Walk through the valley
The written word is a lie
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
I could be wrong
I could be right
I could be wrong
I could be rightI
I could be wrong
I could be right
I could be wrong
I could be right
could be black
I could be white
I could be right
I could be wrong
I could be black
I could be white
They put a hot wire to my head
Cos of the things I did and said
They made these feelings go away
Model citizen in every way
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
Anger is an energy
Anger is an energy
Anger is an energy
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
Anger is an energy
Anger is an energy
Anger is an energy
I could be wrong
I could be right
I could be wrong
I could be right
I could be wrong
I could be right
I could be black
I could be white
I could be right
I could be wrong
I could be black
I could be white
Your time has come
your second skin
Cost so high the gain so low
Walk through the valley
The written word is a lie
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
I could be wrong
I could be right
I could be wrong
They put a hot wire to my head
Cos of the things I did and said
They made these feelings go away
A model citizen in every way
Your time has come
your second skin
Cost so high the gain so low
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
May the road rise with you
Anger is an energy
Anger is an energy
Anger is an energy
Anger is an energyAnger is an energy (repeat)